
My Photos

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My Videos

So this was a group video project I had done with colleagues for School. I did enjoy coming up with great creative shots like the opening and closing shots among others. Our video was one of the best in the class. It was the first time I used a professional level camcorder and Final Cut Pro. We shot and edited this in 1 day.


This was a soccer team program promo I shot and edited all on my own. I had a lot of fun editing this one as I gave myself time to get more creative with the editing effects. While I ran into some technical issues with corrupt files and under-powered computer equipment, I made it work and met the deadline. The soccer coach loved the video and is currently having me work on another one for his new team.


I took a trip to Italy with my parents. Knowing how beautiful the country is, I knew it would be a great idea to get a lot of good shots for my photography and video portfolio. We went to Florence, Venice, Rome, and Capri. Like most of my videos, I was teaching myself new things to make the video better as I was making the video. I took up the challenge to Color Grade for the first time on this video, and I have to say it looks a lot better. The obstacles I faced were my parents and the weather. Certain days were incredibly gray, and my parents kind of don’t like me stopping every 3 minutes to get a good shot. Regardless, I prevailed! That being said I love my parents and wouldn’t have been able to get the shots without them, them paying for the trip and all.